Category Archives: Meditation

4 Speech (Vaani) Types

Vaikhari Vaani Vocal/Verbal speech.
Madhyama Vaani Internal mental speech like self talk or inner talk or dream state. This happens when verbal speech settles deeper.
Pashyanti Vaani When there is the absence of attachment with vocal or inner talk (like saakshi chaitanya or witness consciousness). Here, the voice is in its potential/seed form (like dreamless deep sleep state which has no expression in itself but has the potential to move either to the dream state or to the waking state). This happens when mental speech settles even deeper towards non-duality.
Para Vaani Beyond speech like in nirvikalpa samadhi or when the body is unconscious like in near death experience (NDE) or in an epiphany. In this state the Self can possibly know itSelf.


Meditation Kriya

There are 4 steps as follows in this meditation kriya*:

  1. Since you need to be able to sit in excess of 10 minutes in one position, you can do some stretching and neck exercise in the beginning for a few minutes. After stretching/neck exercise, sit in cross-legged position# facing east with spine erect, hands in front with their back resting on thighs, palms open facing up, head slightly tilted up having mild concentration towards the middle of the eyebrows; keep eyes closed for all the three steps below.
  2. With deep slow inhalation mentally say (refer & first), “I am not body-mind” and with deep slow exhalation mentally say, “I am pure awareness”. The two thoughts should remain throughout the inhalation and exhalation processes as applicable. Do this for 7-11 minutes. If you find it hard to tell yourself that you are not the body or the mind initially and that you are awareness as you find this hard to believe, then with inhalation you can say, “So” and with exhalation you can say, “Ham” and continue to go through more articles/videos in this blog addressing this issue from various angles till you feel comfortable telling yourself that you are not body-mind and that you are awareness.
  3. Inhale deeply and say AAAAAA……. with full mouth open in sufficiently low pitch such that the vibrations come from just below the naval and pay attention to the vibrations in the region just below your naval. The loudness of voice should be just sufficient enough to feel the vibrations. Do this for 7 times.
  4. Just sit in silence (oral and mental) for 5-6 minutes. Finally, open your eyes slowly.

The above Kriya can be done multiple times in a day. If it is done more than once a day, the stretching/neck exercise may not be required every time. Since this kriya is not physically demanding, it can be done almost any time** in the day but you need to listen to your body, for example doing it after a heavy meal may not be a good idea if you need to do some stretching exercise. Also, the time when there is a tendency to fall asleep is not suggested.

*If you have any health problem please consult your doctor before practicing this.
#As you become more accustomed to this Kriya, you can try Padmasana (lotus pose) in place of sitting in cross-legged pose.
**Midnight time may be avoided. Please refer to FAQs which are applicable to this kriya which are applicable here also.

What is meditation?

Further to,,, and considering the fact that one does not know where one was during the sleep or under the influence of general anesthesia, the question arises that if a being is not the body-mind then who is he/she/it? Let us call the inner nature of being as inner-self for the moment.

Generally, a person identifies himself/herself with body-mind and is not aware of the presence of the source. In some moments one can experience a silent presence if one pays attention. In such moments the inner-self becomes aware of itself.

Meditation (ध्यान/dhyan) is the experience of the inner-self. It is a state where one does not identify with the body-mind and experiences the inner-self. In this state one can observe the activities of the body-mind without getting attached to the thoughts. Since most of the human suffering is due to the attachment with the thoughts, it ends when this attachment ceases. In deep state of meditation, one identifies with the inner-self itself (which means witnessing body-mind as a separate entity) and eventually there is a sense of oneness with everything which is called Samadhi. Samadhi is like deep sleep with full awareness. In the highest state of Samadhi, the individual being identifies with the universal field or experiences expanded-self.

And the answer

(This post is the probable answer to the question raised in the previous post.)

There seems to be no limit to the outside comforts. Therefore, there has to be something within us which can be the purpose of our lives. Hindus call this state of inner self as “Moksha”. In more scientific terms, “Moksha” or salvation is the state of consciousness of the mind, or state of awareness of the mind. It is just the opposite of unconsciousness. It may be called as super consciousness. How can one achieve super consciousness? Perhaps, by trying to live in the present moment. By trying to be more and more aware about everything one does. For example, when we eat, we also think about our problems with our bosses/spouses/children etc. That means we are not fully aware about the eating activity. When we eat, we must be fully involved in eating. When we think, we must be fully involved in thinking. Should one sacrifice everything in pursuit of super consciousness? No, the idea is to be fully involved in anything one does. This means that there should be full involvement in playing sports, reading, cooking, eating, watching movie, listening to music or having fun. The practice of awareness starts from our day to day activities.