Update: Vedanta course mentioned below is now replaced by Astro-Vedanta course. Spiritual deeksha will be available after the Astro-Vedanta course.
7 hr. course spread over 3 days can be attended online or in India (Bhopal). The course is supported by donation and is precursor to lifelong deeksha.
Method of teaching is to the point and is based on my spiritual journey and scriptures. Vedanga Astrology is used as a tool to help you figure out your swadharma for karma-yoga practice and to surrender the doership. Vastu principles are introduced to live a lifestyle that flows with the nature. Once the search is over, the knowledge gives way to bhakti or devotion and music may become very important for some.
> Location of Object Inquiry
> Nature of Self
> Rebirth OR False Identifications
> Living in Apparent Reality – The Three Gunas
> Karma-Yoga
> Vedanga Astrology to Understanding Swadharma
> Vedanga Astrology as Path to Enlightenment (Surrender)
> Vastu Living in Accordance with Nature
> Parmatma, Atma & Jivatma
> After the Search is Over
> Role of Music in Bhakti
> Vedanga Jyotish for Vasana Identification
Course Application
Fill out the form below and submit and call/visit to request for the course/deeksha. There are certain minimum qualifications for vedanta as listed here.
Fields marked with * are compulsory.