All posts by Manish Verma

IITian ~ Consultant & Educator

Not a Doer


[Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 3, Verse 27]

Implied Meaning: In reality, all work in all respects in done by the gunas (sattva, rajas & tamas) of the nature (prakrati). In spite of this fact whosoever’s inner mind is attracted by pride, such ignorant believes, “I am the doer”.

Comments: The body which is responsible for appearance and other qualities is made of atoms all of which are provided by nature so there is no need to feel proud about it. A person obviously does not choose his/her parents after birth. How much intellect he/she has by birth is beyond anybody’s control. Even thoughts that pop up come from causal body and hence are beyond anyone’s direct control. And eventually, the end result of any action is beyond anyone’s control considering natural calamities, accidents, circumstances, luck etc. So, it is wise to do away with the doership.

Mental Bhakti

Bhagvad Gita is a conversation between Consciousness (Krishn) & Jiva (Arjun). The following verse spoken by Krishn talks about bhakti with mind.


[Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 8, Verse 14]

The above implies that whosoever always and constantly thinks about Self with undivided mind, to that Yogi ever absorbed in Self, the Self is easily attainable.

Bhakti does not necessarily mean following certain ritual. There is no pointing chanting AUM a thousand times just for the sake of doing it. There is no point in just watching breath or dissolving in meditation samadhi or having epiphany if Self Inquiry is not made to find out the seer. Many people even after NDE (near death experience) are unable to know that they are pure Consciousness because they get immersed in the amazing experience of unconditional love etc. and do not do Self Inquiry. It does mean something useful if chanting AUM brings mind back to think about the Self. Self inquiry is the direct method of Self Realisation which involves doing no ritual whatsoever. A seeker always needs to inquire, “Who is the seer?” or, “How do I know what I know?” or “Who am I really?” and engage in negation.

Kabir says, “Kar ka manka dari de, man ka manka pher” which means drop the beads of rosary and rotate the beads of mind.

PS: Some rituals can be useful if their symbolisms are understood. For example, every time you apply bindi or tilak remember that your final goal is Self Realisation and apply the mind to Self Inquiry.

4 Speech (Vaani) Types

Vaikhari Vaani Vocal/Verbal speech.
Madhyama Vaani Internal mental speech like self talk or inner talk or dream state. This happens when verbal speech settles deeper.
Pashyanti Vaani When there is the absence of attachment with vocal or inner talk (like saakshi chaitanya or witness consciousness). Here, the voice is in its potential/seed form (like dreamless deep sleep state which has no expression in itself but has the potential to move either to the dream state or to the waking state). This happens when mental speech settles even deeper towards non-duality.
Para Vaani Beyond speech like in nirvikalpa samadhi or when the body is unconscious like in near death experience (NDE) or in an epiphany. In this state the Self can possibly know itSelf.


Self Realisation Symbol


The mark at the middle of two eyebrows symbolises opening of third eye (spiritual eye) which implies enlightenment. The three lines on the forehead symbolise the gross body, subtle body and causal body that are reduced to ashes when the third eye opens and enlightenment happens. These words may sound like something dramatic takes place when enlightenment happens but the fact is that if the process of Self Inquiry is followed to attain enlightenment, the changes take place gradually. It is not that all changes take place during direct realisation. Also, changes continue to take place after enlightenment as unconscious mind takes time to change.

Sleep & Maya

The verse below compares sleep with maya:


[Panchadasi, Chapter 8, Kootasthadeep Prakraran, Verse 63]

Meaning: We see that our sleep too (which can be called as our maya) does create the conscious Jiva and Ishvar of the dream. Then, why should you be surprised if the grand maya creates conscious Jivas and Ishvar?

Tracking Vrittis

During Self Inquiry one can try to figure out how vrittis (mental modifications, thought waves) originate or how thoughts pop up every now and then making us do things like puppets are made to do things. This eventually leads us to know that we are programmed and are not really the doers. Loss of doership is the key in the final stages of Self Realisation where the one who was doing the Self Inquiry surrenders knowing that it is not the doer.


[Panchadasi Chapter 8, Kootasthadeep Prakraran, Verse 20]

Meaning: All the vrittis are born sequentially after gaps. When one vritti is destroyed, another one is born. One should understand the origin of third, fourth etc. vrittis. All vrittis disappear during deep sleep, unconscious state, samadhi and not even one remains out of those.