Tag Archives: Gunas

Cause of Bondage

BondageReference: Bhagavad Gita 14.5, 14.6, 14.7 & 14.8

The three gunas – Sattva, Rajas & Tamas – born out of nature are responsible for bondage.

Sattvaguna binds by creating attachment for wellbeing and attachment to knowledge.

Rajoguna binds by creating attachment to action.

Tamoguna binds by mindlessness, laziness and sleep.

Hard Wired to Work

No human at any time can live without work even for a moment because the whole mankind is forced to do work under the compulsion of the gunas* (properties) of the nature. [Bhagavad Gita 3.5]

[Bhagavad Gita 3.5]

Implied Meaning: No human at any time can live without work even for a moment because the whole mankind is forced to do work under the compulsion of the gunas* (properties) of the nature.

*There are three types of gunas; tamasic which is about inertia, rajasic which is about desires and sattvic which is about intellect. Everybody has these three gunas in different proportion.

Not a Doer


[Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 3, Verse 27]

Implied Meaning: In reality, all work in all respects in done by the gunas (sattva, rajas & tamas) of the nature (prakrati). In spite of this fact whosoever’s inner mind is attracted by pride, such ignorant believes, “I am the doer”.

Comments: The body which is responsible for appearance and other qualities is made of atoms all of which are provided by nature so there is no need to feel proud about it. A person obviously does not choose his/her parents after birth. How much intellect he/she has by birth is beyond anybody’s control. Even thoughts that pop up come from causal body and hence are beyond anyone’s direct control. And eventually, the end result of any action is beyond anyone’s control considering natural calamities, accidents, circumstances, luck etc. So, it is wise to do away with the doership.