Meaning of Service

Service means doing what others want not what we want.

A rich man from a large city once visited a village. After seeing the village he felt that the people were poor there, so let him donate some money to each family. He organised a big camp and publicised about it. He was expecting a long queue, but to his surprise nobody turned up at the distribution commencement time. After some time one fellow came but some people came running behind him and took him away not allowing him to accept donation.

Actually, this village had a tradition of not accepting anything without doing something in return. When the same man opened an industry there offering jobs, there was a long queue to apply for the jobs.

Service means doing what others want not what we want.




Q: If I see an incident that is unacceptable as per my conscience, should I follow the acceptance teaching and do nothing about it?

A: Acceptance teaching means, “accept it without grumbling if you cannot change it”. If you see an incident that is unacceptable in your view and you are in a position to do something about it, stop it from happening. But, if you are not in a position to influence the situation, then there is no point grumbling about it. If you do not accept it as the wish of the universe, you will be forced to swallow the bitter pill anyway. It is the attachment to our views that causes grumbling. Acceptance removes attachment but we may still have our views. The desire to change the event or any other desire is also fine as long as it is in tune with swadharma and there is no attachment to the desire.

How Jnana-Yoga Leads to Yoga

Jnana/Knowledge of the Self evokes bhakti/devotion towards the Self. It is this bhakti that acts as anchor for the mind. Yoga means union or integration. Normally mind is divided in many parallel activities consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously jointly. Most of the times inner-chatter/verbalisation goes on in the mind in the background while we perform some act. It is bhakti that integrates the divided mind and union/yoga happens.

S-TOE (Spiritual Theory of Everything) in a Nutshell

There is Cosmic Mind with static (memory container) & dynamic (creativity/imagination/memory content) nature causing the creation and the dissolution cyclically. The static nature of the mind acts as the knower/seer and the dynamic nature acts as creator projecting the ever changing world of forms. Creation is with respect to a reference object and this reference object is the window through which cosmic mind experiences its own creation. This reference object itself is present in the creation just like a dreamer may be present in his own dream. Experiencing the creation through a particular form leads to the identification of knower with that specific form. Identification with a form is due to ignorance as knower does not understand about the world being mere projection of imagination and erroneously takes the world to be real. Since knower is identified with form, now it has ego-sense or “I-Sense”. The most important but unfortunate aspect of this ego-sense is the deepening of impressions in the memory. This ego-sense claims the ownership of actions though the dynamic nature of the mind as a whole is the owner of all actions. Due to “I-Sense” being associated with identification with a form, the Cosmic Mind appears to be marginalised and now it can be called just the Cosmic Mmind. The process of identification with different objects/bodies continues and the mind enjoys/suffers due to attachment/identification or “I-Sense”. With more and more experiences, memory keeps on learning and finally figures out the nature of reality that everything including itself eventually is, “Impersonal Awareness” and the ownership of actions by the “I-Sense” is false. Now, new deep binding impressions are not created in the memory and old ones are erased. The “I-Sense” associated with a form fades away. Eventually, “I-Sense” is erased from the memory and now the world of forms is ineffective in creating “I-Sense” due to the presence of firm knowledge of the reality and the memory becomes pure having no binding impressions.

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