Universe Creation – A Model

The problem with the big bang theory is that it does not explain the cause of the bang. If there was nothing before the big bang then how can there be a bang if there is nothing to bang with?

Here is a model to explain the creation of universe broadly:

Consciousness – It is the fundamental permanent reality. Its true nature is of knowing without any feeling whatsoever in its pure form. The experience/feeling is possible under the influence of a faculty called maya which can give rise to intelligence, imagination etc. (in other words maya is the faculty using which consciousness becomes the experiencer and can be called macrocosmic reflected consciousness). This macrocosmic reflected consciousness wants to understand everything, especially the reason for its existence and of its qualities. In other words, it wants to know who it is and what is its source. Had there been no pure consciousness, there would be no intelligence, imagination etc. as these qualities require pure consciousness. The source of reflected consciousness is pure consciousness. This desire of the macrocosmic reflected consciousness to know its source gives rise to chain of vasanas. Since macrocosmic reflected consciousness is not limited by body, it can simultaneously have many thoughts giving rise to many vasanas. These macrocosmic vasanas give rise to creation/projection of universe as vasanas need expression. These vasanas remain unfulfilled many times when expressed in creation/projection and then they are expressed again. This expression of vasanas again is called rebirth/another birth. Rebirth/another birth is not of an individual but is of vasanas when seen from this perspective.

Macrocosmic Reflected Consciousness – As explained above it is consciousness becoming experiencer under the spell of maya.

Macrocosmic/Ungrouped Vasanas – Responsible for creation/projection of Universe.

Grouped Vasanas (Causal Body) – Responsible for creation/projection of individual entities – both sentient and insentient.

Jiva – Created/projected by Causal body. It is sentient* having astral body & physical body.

Astral Body – It is created by causal body. It keeps on taking rebirth as long as causal body or group of vasanas responsible for its creation are not burned. However, after every physical death it merges with the causal body where the memory of previous birth is wiped off before new birth is taken.

Physical Body – It is the host of the astral body. It is always inert but appears to be animated in Jiva.

Liberation – When the group of vasanas responsible for creation/projection of an individual entity are exhausted, there is nothing left to be expressed and hence there is no rebirth. This is called liberation.

Question: If macrocosmic reflected consciousness wanted to know itself and hence created everything, it should have known itself by now as it has known the minds of many enlightened beings already on the planet earth.

Answer: While the desire to know itself would have triggered the creation of few vasanas, now they have become huge due to a chain. While there have only been handful number of self actualised enlightened beings, there have been enormous number of other living/non-living beings. Out of huge number of macrocosmic vasanas, only a few have got burned but most are still there. Until the total number of macrocosmic vasanas are drastically reduced, the world should go on for a long time. On the lighter side, macrocosmic reflected consciousness created the world due to the vasana to know itself and through the first enlightened person, it knew itself and went to sleep and now the chain of vasanas are driving the world. As long as macrocosmic reflected consciousness continues to sleep, the world should go on. When it wakes up from the sleep and realises that it already knows the reason, it may not need the world.

*Strictly speaking, Jiva is inert on its own, but it reflects Consciounsess and due to that it appears to be sentient.

4 thoughts on “Universe Creation – A Model”

    1. Pure Consciousness cannot be objectified as it is always the seer never the scenery. Perhaps that is the reason why it is said at various places that it cannot be described by words because words are generally used to describe objects, whereas Consciousness is always the subject. However, attempt can be made to describe Consciousness as subject. As long as Consciousness remains unobjectifiable by whatever description it remains in its pure form. There are of course limitations of the language. Many times language has to act as pointer. If Consciousness is objectified, it becomes reflected Consciousness.

    1. There are several theories concerning creation of universe or how one became many. Any theory requires test of time. We all are God but that does not make us expert in all subjects as we are expressing via bodies. We can only look at what seems to be most logical at any particular time. So, what Rig Veda says in that verse makes lot of sense.

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