
Karmayoga, also known as the “path of action,” is centered around the idea of selfless service and performing actions for the greater good, without attachment to personal outcome or reward. It emphasizes that actions themselves, rather than their outcomes, are the key to spiritual liberation.

In Karmayoga, the individual strives to perform their actions in a detached, selfless manner, viewing their actions as offerings to the divine and not for their own personal gain or satisfaction.

One of the central teachings of Karmayoga is to remain steadfast in one’s duties and responsibilities, regardless of the outcome. This is achieved by cultivating a sense of equanimity and detachment from personal desires and outcomes, and instead, performing actions with a sense of selflessness and dedication to the greater good.

Karmayoga is about the importance of performing actions in a selfless manner, for the sake of duty and dharma (moral law or truth).

In conclusion, Karmayoga emphasizes the importance of performing actions with a sense of selflessness and dedication to the greater good. It is a path that can lead to spiritual liberation, as well as a harmonious and fulfilling life, filled with purpose and meaning.

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