Not An Object

Subject is the seer/knower, object is the scenery. I am the subject who witnesses the object and its properties. Anything that can be objectified cannot be me.

Eyes see computer screen, eyes are subject and the screen is the object. Screen may have many properties like brightness, colour, size, resolution etc. Intellect knows about eyes, here eyes are object and intellect is the subject. Eyes may have many properties like colour, size, eyesight etc. Intellect knows about various emotions. Here, intellect is the subject and mind is the object. However, intellect is not present in deep sleep but I am always present. I am the knower of the absence and of the presence of the intellect. So, I am the subject and intellect is the object. Intellect has the properties of reading the signals sent by various senses, reading various emotions etc. Since, intellect has been objectified it is not me. The only thing that can never be objectified is Impersonal Awareness. That is me, so are you.

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